What Does Train Left Front Tire Mean With a Ford? 

If your Ford vehicle displays a message that says ‘Train Left Front Tire,’ it means the car is reinitializing the tire pressure sensors using the TPMS. Most of the Ford vehicles enter into this mode when the ignition has been turned off and on three times after pressing the brake pedal. It also happens when you rapidly press the hazard light button 5 times. 

This message indicates that you must train the tire pressure monitoring system (TPMS). Most modern cars have TPMS sensors that automatically monitor the tires’ air pressure. The vehicle communicates with the sensors using an access point located at each tire that needs to be programmed or trained for proper communication. Let’s find out in detail what does a train left front tire means with a Ford. 

What is a Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)?

The Tire Pressure Monitoring System monitors the air pressure inside the wheels in real-time using an electronic system. The main aim of the TPMS systems is to maintain the tires at the right PSI levels. Furthermore, the system also prevents increased tire wear out, traffic accidents, and poor fuel economy caused by under-inflated tires.

The TPMS installed on 2007 and 2008 Ford models are similar to that of the latest models. With pressure senses inside each wheel, the TPMS system has mounted sensors in the tire’s drop center area, which are placed at 180 degrees opposite the valve stem. Each of these sensors is attached to the tires using a steel band wrapped around the inner part of the wheel. 

Importance of TPMS on Ford vehicles

More often, car owners neglect the importance of checking the air pressure in their tires and are not aware of how frequently it must be done. Your Ford vehicle handbook has all the information needed to know when to conduct the routine maintenance checks and the correct air pressure levels for your vehicle. Before you embark on long trips, it is recommended to check your tire’s air pressure. Ford vehicles are attached with the TPMS sensors that indicate a change in air pressure levels to make things easier. 

When the vehicle is traveling at the speed of 20 mph, the sensor generates a radio frequency signal after each minute. If the vehicle is stationary, the sensors do not transmit any signals. When the car does not move for more than 30 minutes, the sensors enter sleep mode to conserve battery life. 

The signals from the tire pressure monitoring sensors are received by the VMS (Vehicle Security Module). If the tire is running on low air pressure, the VMS either displays a low tire pressure indication on the message center screen or switches on the Low Tire Pressure warning indication on the display center. 

Need for TPMS

Most Ford car owners consider the Tire Pressure Monitoring System as a false or annoying warning light that’s often ignored or dismissed. As a result, the traffic regulatory authorities in the US have made this system check mandatory on all passenger vehicles From 2008 onwards. So it is not possible to turn it off on your own without checking and fixing the tires at an authorized dealership center. 

One of the main reason why TPMS sensors are essential to ensure the smooth running of a vehicle is that it reduces tire wear-outs. It may come as a surprise to realize the fact that overinflation causes the same damage as underinflation. By adding more air pressure to the tires than the recommended level, the wheels become more rigid and the contact with the road surface reduces causing skidding while driving at high speeds.

While reduced traction due to overinflation adds pressure to the center of the tire, under-inflation puts more pressure on the tire surface as it comes in direct contact with the road. This results in excessive friction, premature blowouts, and overheating.

Ford vehicles mainly use the TPMS systems manufactured by Lear, VDO, and Schrader Electronics. While VDO and Lear are responsible for the banded sensors, Schrader Electronics takes care of the valve stem TPMS sensors.

Final Thoughts

Though battery cables are designed to function in a very simple manner, any failure can cause a number of electrical issues. Since the vehicle’s electrical system powers all the components from starting the car, AC system, onboard computers, car lights, and monitoring systems, failure to provide electricity means you can’t start the car. This is when you need to replace the bad battery cables.  

Liam Dare

As CEO of ReplicarClub.com, my passion for the automotive world motivates me to build online businesses that provide information and entertainment to users. I am proud to contribute in a positive way to the automotive community.